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Hire and Retain the Best Sales People for Your Business

Push sales to the next level with these effective hiring strategies

It’s no secret that hiring a great sales team is crucial to a company’s success, particularly when it is ready to take growth to the next level. Unfortunately, making great sales hires is one of the toughest challenges CEOs and business leaders face.

Too often, the most promising interviewees fail to translate into good sales leaders and reps. To hire and keep a sales team aimed at growth, no matter what stage your business is in, learn best practices from our new strategy paper, How to Build the Best Sales Team to Scale Your Business.

The strategy paper contains:

  • Six hiring strategies to lay a strong foundation for next-level growth
  • Five ways to tell if a salesperson is truly a good fit—not just a good interviewee
  • A comprehensive list of common traits in top sales performers, and sales leaders

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SFE Partners is a Boston sales consultancy focused on driving sales efficiency for SaaS, technology, and private equity firms. Effective and efficient sales solutions are at the root of everything we do, from launch to scale. We assess, build, and deliver high-impact sales solutions for expanding organizations, designed to optimize teams and strengthen your vision. Your sales goals are waiting on the other side of thoughtful, data-driven solutions.